Live among the trees - an ecologyst film

Live among the trees - an ecologyst film

A short film that follows a couple of folks enjoying the things that make the West Coast of Vancouver Island so special - early mornings, great coffee, woodfire tubs, rain forest hikes, and foraged food.

The film features chef Kellie Callender (@almostfamouschef) and Alexis Greene (@northlore_creative) as they go about their day in the woods. Ecologyst's in-house filmmaker, Cam MacArthur, brings the beautiful everyday sounds we take for granted to the forefront in this film. 

The film features clothing pieces from ecologyst's evergreen collection and also some newly introduced styles. Plenty of merino wool and waxed cotton items. Check out all the featured gear here 

Take 5 mins out of your day to enjoy this film and then we recommend getting into the forest yourself. 

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The Night Before - An ecologyst film
ecologyst coffee cafe whistler interior table