

At Ecologyst, we’re constantly searching for ways to make our clothing better—for the people and the planet. Fashion has long been one of the most polluting industries in the world, contributing to deforestation, soil degradation and high carbon emissions. As awareness of these issues grows, some brands are considering and implementing sustainable systems to reduce their carbon footprint. One of the best ways to help the planet is by working with materials that don’t just minimize harm, but actually restore the earth.

We are excited to deepen our commitment to sustainability even further by incorporating Climate Beneficial™ wool into our collection.


Climate Beneficial™ wool comes from farms that practice regenerative agriculture. These methods actively restore ecosystems while reducing greenhouse gases. By enhancing soil health and supporting biodiversity, these farms not only reduce their environmental footprint but strive to reverse climate change. The Climate Beneficial™ Program is a verification practice trademarked by FIBERSHED. It certifies that the farms or ranches supplying the fibers follow regenerative agricultural practices designed to enhance soil health, conserve water, support biodiversity, and benefit local communities. Fibershed developed the Climate Beneficial™ program to ensure transparency and accountability while encouraging practices that sequester carbon and improve ecosystem health. The certification specifically focuses on the ecological and social benefits of regenerative farming.



At the heart of Climate Beneficial™ wool is a powerful concept: carbon farming. This approach focuses on sequestering (capturing) carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in the soil, improving soil health and reducing overall emissions. Key practices include:

Prescribed Grazing: Rotational grazing patterns that allow grasslands to recover, promoting healthier soil and increased carbon capture.

Compost Application: Adding organic matter to soil, enhancing its ability to store carbon while reducing reliance on synthetic fertilizers.

Agroforestry: Planting trees and shrubs alongside grazing lands to boost carbon storage and support wildlife habitats.

According to the 2023 Fibershed Carbon Farm Impact Report, producers in the Climate Beneficial™ program collectively sequestered over 17,900 metric tons of CO2 in one year alone. That’s equivalent to removing more than 5,200 gas-powered cars from the road.


Bare Ranch in Northern California is a great example of what the initiative is all about. This 4,500-acre ranch follows a comprehensive Carbon Farm Plan designed to improve soil fertility by managing sodium absorption and reducing erosion, protect water systems using buffers that filter runoff and provide shade for aquatic ecosystems., and restore grasslands through rotational grazing, increasing forage production and carbon capture. Bare Ranch’s efforts ensure that every fiber of wool they produce supports a healthier planet.



We’ve always believed in the value of keeping production close to home. By sourcing and manufacturing in North America, we have an opportunity to reduce transportation emissions--local production minimizes the environmental impact of shipping materials overseas. We support ethical practices by ensuring fair wages and humane treatment for everyone involved in the process, from farm all the way through to factory and to customer. By staying close to our production partners we are able to maintain high quality standards and share their stories with confidence.



While there will always be more to learn, so far here are several points that stand out in our understanding of regenerative farming that we wanted to share: 

Practices Matter: Small changes, like compost application and rotational grazing, have far-reaching impacts on carbon capture and ecosystem health.

Collaboration Is Key: Building partnerships with farms like Bare Ranch ensures that we’re part of a broader movement to make fashion more sustainable.

Education Empowers Change: Sharing the story behind our materials helps create a community of informed, conscious consumers.

The benefits of Climate Beneficial™ wool go beyond the garments themselves. By choosing these fibers, we all have the opportunity to support regenerative farming practices that improve soil health, protect waterways, and reduce the effects of climate change. It's a step toward a more sustainable fashion industry that values people and the planet.

All photos credited to Paige Green